Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Twitter can be a useful tool for libraries in posting information about programs. With many people receiving tweets on their phone, posts get to people quickly and easily. Posts can be made to inform patrons about closings as well as events. Tweets can be sent much quicker than updating information on web pages. It is also a method of reaching patrons that do not check the web page. Younger patrons especially will appreciate getting updates on twitter.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

RSS Feeds

The RSS feeds are helpful with keeping track of what I have already checked and what’s new. Outlook is especially convenient. I can see in bold what I have not yet viewed on specific sites. I like being able to read one entry at a time. With outlook I also get updates quicker than I might just checking sites on my own. I hate reading something time sensative a day too late.

Google Reader

I like the reader. I had never used it before. It is good for pages that do not update frequently. I get sick of checking them and not seeing anything new. The reader lets me check them all at once. I would not use the reader to follow pages that update all the time. I could see it being overwhelming.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

The 2.0 Dance

Blog created. Check-a-roo!